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Were the Beatles right when they sang, ‘All You Need Is Love’? ‘It’s easy’, they crooned. We would all likely agree that love is not as easy as the song claims. Yet they were getting at the truth that the bible reached a long time before Lennon and McCartney wrote that song. It all boils down to love. Love God and love each other. Jesus promised, “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35. Yet in our increasingly divided world, what is most important often seems to be the most lacking. How well will we love as a nation-wide election is upon us? How distinct will our love be as our culture tries to force us to redefine it? Will people know we belong to Jesus by the way we love each other in our church? Come along with us as we sit at the feet of 1 Corinthians 13 and look closely at a diamond called Love with all its brilliant, flawless facets. What we will see is the character of Jesus reflecting back to us. Our aim is to discover what Love Is and how we can have the power to live it out.